People want to be wealthy and engaged but are their willing to put hard work and time in return. Anyone can achieve success no matter your wealth or gender. Life will challenge you along with your potential, chances are though you will fail the 1st time. There is nothing wrong with failing the 1st time as you all ready overcame a challenge to success. In order to succeed you need to fail, it's part of life. Great examples are Thomas Edison and Menelik II who believed in their dreams no matter the odds. Edison failing over 10,000 times didn't deter him from achieving his dream. Menelik II believed in an independent Ethopia and never gave up believing in his vision. With determination your unstoppable in achieving your dreams. If your truly passionate you'll always go the extra mile. If you could Dream it, you could do it.
Loving your positive attitude these days. Keep it up it will pay off in the end.